``spinner-topology-stats`` ========================== Prints basic statistics about the network topology which will result from a given system. :: $ spinner-topology-stats -h usage: spinner-topology-stats [-h] [--version] (--num-boards N | --triads W H) [--transformation {shear,slice}] [--uncrinkle-direction {columns,rows}] [--folds X Y] Print basic topological statistics for a specified configuration of boards. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --version, -V show program's version number and exit machine topology dimensions: --num-boards N, -n N build the 'squarest' system with this many boards --triads W H, -t W H build a system with the specified number of triads of boards in each dimension (yielding 3*W*H boards) topology folding options: --transformation {shear,slice}, -T {shear,slice} the transformation function to use from hexagonal torus to rectangular Cartesian grid (selected automatically if omitted) --uncrinkle-direction {columns,rows} direction in which to uncrinkle the hexagonal mesh to form a regular grid (default: rows) --folds X Y, -F X Y the number of pieces to fold into in each dimension (default: (2, 2)) ignored if --transformation is not given Finding sytstem dimensions -------------------------- The most common use-case for ``spinner-topology-stats`` is determining the network dimensions of a given system of N boards. For example, want to know about a 120-board system? :: $ spinner-topology-stats -n 120 Topology Statistics =================== | Measurement | Value | Unit | | ------------------ | ------ | ----- | | Network dimensions | 96x60 | chips | | Board array | 8x5 | triad | | Number of boards | 120 | | | Number of cables | 360 | | | Number of chips | 5760 | | | Number of cores | 103680 | | In this example, the network of SpiNNaker chips in this system will be 96x60 and the system is made up of 8x5 triads.