``spinner-wiring-stats`` ======================== Prints basic statistics about the wiring of a specified configuration of boards. :: $ spinner-wiring-stats -h usage: spinner-wiring-stats [-h] [--version] (--num-boards N | --triads W H) [--transformation {shear,slice}] [--uncrinkle-direction {columns,rows}] [--folds X Y] [--histogram-bins N] [--wire-length L [L ...]] [--minimum-slack H] [--board-dimensions W H D] [--board-wire-offset-south-west X Y Z] [--board-wire-offset-north-east X Y Z] [--board-wire-offset-east X Y Z] [--board-wire-offset-west X Y Z] [--board-wire-offset-north X Y Z] [--board-wire-offset-south X Y Z] [--inter-board-spacing S] [--boards-per-frame BOARDS_PER_FRAME] [--frame-dimensions W H D] [--frame-board-offset X Y Z] [--inter-frame-spacing S] [--frames-per-cabinet FRAMES_PER_CABINET] [--cabinet-dimensions W H D] [--cabinet-frame-offset X Y Z] [--inter-cabinet-spacing S] [--num-cabinets N] [--num-frames N] Print basic wiring statistics for a specified configuration of boards. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --version, -V show program's version number and exit machine topology dimensions: --num-boards N, -n N build the 'squarest' system with this many boards --triads W H, -t W H build a system with the specified number of triads of boards in each dimension (yielding 3*W*H boards) topology folding options: --transformation {shear,slice}, -T {shear,slice} the transformation function to use from hexagonal torus to rectangular Cartesian grid (selected automatically if omitted) --uncrinkle-direction {columns,rows} direction in which to uncrinkle the hexagonal mesh to form a regular grid (default: rows) --folds X Y, -F X Y the number of pieces to fold into in each dimension (default: (2, 2)) ignored if --transformation is not given wire length histogram options: --histogram-bins N, -H N number of bins to pack wire lengths into in the histogram of wire lengths (default: 5) available wire lengths: --wire-length L [L ...], -l L [L ...] specify one or more available wire lengths in meters --minimum-slack H the minimum slack to allow in a wire connecting two boards in meters board physical dimensions: --board-dimensions W H D physical board dimensions in meters (default: (0.014, 0.233, 0.24)) --board-wire-offset-south-west X Y Z physical offset of the south-west connector from board left-top-front corner in meters (default: (0.008, 0.013, 0.0)) --board-wire-offset-north-east X Y Z physical offset of the north-east connector from board left-top-front corner in meters (default: (0.008, 0.031, 0.0)) --board-wire-offset-east X Y Z physical offset of the east connector from board left- top-front corner in meters (default: (0.008, 0.049, 0.0)) --board-wire-offset-west X Y Z physical offset of the west connector from board left- top-front corner in meters (default: (0.008, 0.067, 0.0)) --board-wire-offset-north X Y Z physical offset of the north connector from board left-top-front corner in meters (default: (0.008, 0.085, 0.0)) --board-wire-offset-south X Y Z physical offset of the south connector from board left-top-front corner in meters (default: (0.008, 0.103, 0.0)) --inter-board-spacing S physical spacing between each board in a frame in meters (default: 0.00124) frame physical dimensions: --boards-per-frame BOARDS_PER_FRAME number of boards per frame (default: 24) --frame-dimensions W H D frame physical dimensions in meters (default: (0.43, 0.266, 0.25)) --frame-board-offset X Y Z physical offset of the left-top-front corner of the left-most board from the left-top-front corner of a frame in meters (default: (0.06, 0.017, 0.0)) --inter-frame-spacing S physical spacing between frames in a cabinet in meters (default: 0.133) cabinet physical dimensions: --frames-per-cabinet FRAMES_PER_CABINET number of frames per cabinet (default: 5) --cabinet-dimensions W H D cabinet physical dimensions in meters (default: (0.6, 2.0, 0.25)) --cabinet-frame-offset X Y Z physical offset of the left-top-front corner of the top frame from the left-top-front corner of a cabinet in meters (default: (0.085, 0.047, 0.0)) --inter-cabinet-spacing S physical spacing between each cabinet in meters (default: 0.0) --num-cabinets N, -c N specify how many cabinets to spread the system over (default: the minimum possible) --num-frames N, -f N when only one cabinet is required, specifies how many frames within that cabinet the system should be spread across (default: the minimum possible) Selecting wire lengths to buy ----------------------------- By default ``spinner-wiring-stats`` shows a histogram of wire lengths required to wire up the supplied system in the *Wire length histogram* section. This histogram gives a basic overview of the lengths of wires required:: $ spinner-wiring-stats -n 120 ...snip... | Range (meters) | Count | Histogram | Min slack (meters) | Max slack (meters) | | ---------------- | ----- | --------------- | ------------------ | ------------------ | | 0.00 < x <= 0.17 | 200 | ############### | 0.11 | 0.15 | | 0.17 < x <= 0.35 | 0 | | 0.35 | 0.00 | | 0.35 < x <= 0.52 | 64 | ##### | 0.10 | 0.14 | | 0.52 < x <= 0.69 | 0 | | 0.69 | 0.00 | | 0.69 < x <= 0.87 | 96 | ######## | 0.05 | 0.09 | If the available wire lengths are known, these can be listed using the ``--wire-length`` option and the histogram will bin the wires in the system accordingly:: $ spinner-wiring-stats -n 120 --wire-length 0.15 0.30 0.50 1.00 ...snip... | Range (meters) | Count | Histogram | Min slack (meters) | Max slack (meters) | | ---------------- | ----- | --------------- | ------------------ | ------------------ | | 0.00 < x <= 0.15 | 200 | ############### | 0.09 | 0.13 | | 0.15 < x <= 0.30 | 0 | | 0.30 | 0.00 | | 0.30 < x <= 0.50 | 64 | ##### | 0.08 | 0.12 | | 0.50 < x <= 1.00 | 96 | ######## | 0.18 | 0.22 | When deciding the length of wire to use, spinner automatically includes at least the slack specified by the ``--minimum-slack`` arugment which defaults to 0.05 m. The histogram table also indicates the minimum and maximum slack for each wire length. This may be important when building systems whose wires are installed in an enclosed space. Determining the folding process ------------------------------- Generally, SpiNNer automatically makes all the decisions required to 'fold' the system to remove long wires. If you wish to see what decisions have been made, refer to the *Folding Parameters* section of ``spinner-wiring-stats``'s output:: $ spinner-wiring-stats -n 120 ...snip... Folding Parameters ------------------ | Parameter | Value | Unit | | ---------------------------- | ----- | ------ | | Number of boards | 120 | | | System dimensions | 8x5 | triads | | Transformation | shear | | | Uncrinkle Direction | rows | | | Folds | 2x2 | pieces | | Number of cabinets | 1 | | | Number of frames-per-cabinet | 5 | | | Number of boards-per-frame | 24 | | ...snip... Perfect-world wire-length measurements -------------------------------------- The *Non-cabinetised measurements* section of ``spinner-wiring-stats`` gives the wire-lengths of the folded system before the boards are mapped into real-world cabinets. This section is useful when comparing alternative folding schemes since the results are not distorted by the cabinet mapping process. The numbers in this section assume all boards are laid out in large rectangular grid and distance measures are given in units of the size of a board. :: $ spinner-wiring-stats -n 1200 ...snip... Non-cabinetised measurements ---------------------------- | Parameter | Value | Unit | | ------------------- | ------------- | ------ | | System dimensions | 60.00 x 20.00 | boards | | Mean wire length | 2.91 | boards | | NE/SW | 4.02 | boards | | N/S | 2.49 | boards | | W/E | 2.22 | boards | | Maximum wire length | 4.47 | boards | | NE/SW | 4.47 | boards | | N/S | 2.83 | boards | | W/E | 2.83 | boards | ...snip...