
Produce CSV listings of Ethernet connected chip physical and network positions.

$ spinner-ethernet-chips -h
usage: spinner-ethernet-chips [-h] [--version] (--num-boards N | --triads W H)
                              [--transformation {shear,slice}]
                              [--uncrinkle-direction {columns,rows}]
                              [--folds X Y] [--board-dimensions W H D]
                              [--board-wire-offset-south-west X Y Z]
                              [--board-wire-offset-north-east X Y Z]
                              [--board-wire-offset-east X Y Z]
                              [--board-wire-offset-west X Y Z]
                              [--board-wire-offset-north X Y Z]
                              [--board-wire-offset-south X Y Z]
                              [--inter-board-spacing S]
                              [--boards-per-frame BOARDS_PER_FRAME]
                              [--frame-dimensions W H D]
                              [--frame-board-offset X Y Z]
                              [--inter-frame-spacing S]
                              [--frames-per-cabinet FRAMES_PER_CABINET]
                              [--cabinet-dimensions W H D]
                              [--cabinet-frame-offset X Y Z]
                              [--inter-cabinet-spacing S] [--num-cabinets N]
                              [--num-frames N]

Produce CSV listings of Ethernet connected chip physical and network

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version, -V         show program's version number and exit

machine topology dimensions:
  --num-boards N, -n N  build the 'squarest' system with this many boards
  --triads W H, -t W H  build a system with the specified number of triads of
                        boards in each dimension (yielding 3*W*H boards)

topology folding options:
  --transformation {shear,slice}, -T {shear,slice}
                        the transformation function to use from hexagonal
                        torus to rectangular Cartesian grid (selected
                        automatically if omitted)
  --uncrinkle-direction {columns,rows}
                        direction in which to uncrinkle the hexagonal mesh to
                        form a regular grid (default: rows)
  --folds X Y, -F X Y   the number of pieces to fold into in each dimension
                        (default: (2, 2)) ignored if --transformation is not

board physical dimensions:
  --board-dimensions W H D
                        physical board dimensions in meters (default: (0.014,
                        0.233, 0.24))
  --board-wire-offset-south-west X Y Z
                        physical offset of the south-west connector from board
                        left-top-front corner in meters (default: (0.008,
                        0.013, 0.0))
  --board-wire-offset-north-east X Y Z
                        physical offset of the north-east connector from board
                        left-top-front corner in meters (default: (0.008,
                        0.031, 0.0))
  --board-wire-offset-east X Y Z
                        physical offset of the east connector from board left-
                        top-front corner in meters (default: (0.008, 0.049,
  --board-wire-offset-west X Y Z
                        physical offset of the west connector from board left-
                        top-front corner in meters (default: (0.008, 0.067,
  --board-wire-offset-north X Y Z
                        physical offset of the north connector from board
                        left-top-front corner in meters (default: (0.008,
                        0.085, 0.0))
  --board-wire-offset-south X Y Z
                        physical offset of the south connector from board
                        left-top-front corner in meters (default: (0.008,
                        0.103, 0.0))
  --inter-board-spacing S
                        physical spacing between each board in a frame in
                        meters (default: 0.00124)

frame physical dimensions:
  --boards-per-frame BOARDS_PER_FRAME
                        number of boards per frame (default: 24)
  --frame-dimensions W H D
                        frame physical dimensions in meters (default: (0.43,
                        0.266, 0.25))
  --frame-board-offset X Y Z
                        physical offset of the left-top-front corner of the
                        left-most board from the left-top-front corner of a
                        frame in meters (default: (0.06, 0.017, 0.0))
  --inter-frame-spacing S
                        physical spacing between frames in a cabinet in meters
                        (default: 0.089)

cabinet physical dimensions:
  --frames-per-cabinet FRAMES_PER_CABINET
                        number of frames per cabinet (default: 5)
  --cabinet-dimensions W H D
                        cabinet physical dimensions in meters (default: (0.6,
                        1.822, 0.25))
  --cabinet-frame-offset X Y Z
                        physical offset of the left-top-front corner of the
                        top frame from the left-top-front corner of a cabinet
                        in meters (default: (0.085, 0.047, 0.0))
  --inter-cabinet-spacing S
                        physical spacing between each cabinet in meters
                        (default: 0.0)
  --num-cabinets N, -c N
                        specify how many cabinets to spread the system over
                        (default: the minimum possible)
  --num-frames N, -f N  when only one cabinet is required, specifies how many
                        frames within that cabinet the system should be spread
                        across (default: the minimum possible)

Making Machine-Readable Physical-Position-to-Chip-Coordinate Mappings

A CSV format mapping between physical cabinet, frame and board position to the SpiNNaker network coordinates of each Ethernet connected chip can be produced with the spinner-ethernet-chips command:

$ spinner-ethernet-chips -n 3

For a complementary visual mapping from physical board positions to SpiNNaker chip coordinates, see the spinner-wiring-diagram command. For the inverse mapping see spinner-machine-map.